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Welcome to the website
of "Nordic Empowered Women´s Union"

The goal of our activity is to promote international cooperation women’s organizations of Northern Europe and the Baltic States. Our work includes business development, strengthening cultural relations, humanitarian and professional ties. Our efforts are also focused on the development of women’s networks, as interregional communication to improve business.
The business cooperation of women’s organizations in the Nordic countries is important for promoting economic development in the region. Women’s organizations in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland actively collaborate with each other and with other business organizations to exchange knowledge and experience, encourage women entrepreneurs, and support their business projects.
One of the main tasks of women’s organizations is to fight for equal rights and opportunities for women in business. They support women’s entrepreneurship by organizing seminars, workshops, conferences, and other events that promote business skills and competencies. Additionally, women’s organizations provide financial support and consultation for women who want to start their own business or expand an existing one.
Cooperation between women’s organizations also allows for communication and exchange of experience between countries. This enables women’s organizations to receive new ideas and inspiration for further work, as well as to learn about best practices in other countries. Ultimately, this contributes to the development of a stronger and more sustainable economy in the region, where women play an important role as entrepreneurs and leaders.